HELLO FRIENDS, Today we have brought you a very important book related to Mathematics (Arithmetic) with all of you. This book will make your maths even stronger. With the help of this book, you can get good marks in your upcoming competitive examination. This book is from Sumitra Publication, which is compiled by Hemraj Sir. Sumitra Publications is a very good publication. With this help, you can prepare your upcoming exam well.
What are the topics covered under Arithmetic Objective Question book:
- सरलीकरण
- घातांक एवं करणी
- लागुत्तम समापवर्त्य तथा महत्तम समापवर्तक
- संख्या पध्यति
- प्रतिशतता
- लाभ,हनी और बट्टा
- साधरण व्याज
- चक्रव्रिधि व्याज
- अनुपात एवं समानुपात
- साझेदारी
- मिक्ष्रण
- मिश्रण
- मिश्र समानुपात
- उम्र सम्बन्धी प्रश्न
- समय और कार्य
- नल एवं टंकी
- औसत
- समय और दूरी
- रेलगाड़ी से सम्बंधित प्रश्न
- नाव एवं धरा
- क्षेत्रफल और परिमाप
- पृष्ठ क्षेत्रफल तथा आयतन
- ज्यामिति
- त्रिकोंमिति
- बीजगणित
- सरल रेखा के नियामक
- ग्राफ
- सरलीकरण
- संख्या -श्रेणी
- आंकड़ों की प्रयाप्ताता
- क्रमचय और संचय
- प्रायिकता-सिधांत
- लघुगणक
- श्रेणी
See Arithmetic Objective Book Live here:
- Simplification
- Exponent and taxation
- The closest end-to-end and the greatest equator
- Number theory
- Percentage
- Profit, honey and discount
- Common interest
- Cyclical interest
- Ratio and proportion
- Partnerships
- Miscellaneous
- Mix
- Mixed proportion
- Age questions
- Time and work
- Tap and tank
- Average
- Time and Distance
- Train related questions
- Boat and hold
- Area and dimensions
- Page area and volume
- Geometry
- Trionomimetry
- Algebra
- Simple line regulator
- Graph
- Simplification
- Number-category
- Sufficiency of data
- Permutation and cache
- Probability theory
- Logarithm
- category
ABOUT THIS PDF: Click the On Download button below to download Arithmetic Objective Question booklet
NAME: Arithmetic Objective Booklet: अंकगणित बहुविकल्पीय प्रश्नोत्तरी विस्तृत हल सहित
CREDIT: Hemraj Sir. Sumitra Publications